Public Member Functions | List of all members
wxAccordion Class Reference

#include <wx/accordion/accordion.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxAccordion:

Detailed Description

This class represents an accordion control, which manages multiple windows with associated caption bars. See Wikipedia for more information.

To use the class, create a wxAccordion object and call wxAccordion::AddPage or wxAccordion::InsertPage, passing a window to be used as the page. Do not explicitly delete the window for a page that is currently managed by wxAccordion.


This class supports the following styles:

Events emitted by this class

The following event handler macros redirect the events to member function handlers 'func' with prototypes like:

void handlerFuncName(wxBookCtrlEvent& event)

Event macros for events emitted by this class:

Public Member Functions

 wxAccordion ()
 Default constructor.
 wxAccordion (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, const wxString &name="accordion")
virtual ~wxAccordion ()
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, const wxString &name="accordion")
 Used for two-step accordion construction.
Accordion management functions
void Expand (size_t n)
 Expands the accordion page with index n to show its contents.
void Collapse (size_t n)
 Collapses the accordion page with index n to hide its contents.
void Toggle (size_t n)
 Toggles the accordion page with index n between the expanded and collapsed states.
void Enable (size_t n)
 Sets the accordion page with index n to have the enabled state.
void Disable (size_t n)
 Sets the accordion page with index n to have the disabled state.
bool IsExpanded (size_t n) const
 Checks if the accordion page with index n is expanded.
bool IsCollapsed (size_t n) const
 Checks if the accordion page with index n is collapsed.
bool IsEnabled (size_t n) const
 Checks if the accordion page with index n is in the enabled state.
bool IsDisabled (size_t n) const
 Checks if the accordion page with index n is in the disabled state.
void SetFixedSize (size_t n)
 Sets accordion page with index n to have both a fixed width and a fixed height.
void SetFixedWidth (size_t n)
 Sets accordion page with index n to have a fixed width.
void SetFixedHeight (size_t n)
 Sets accordion page with index n to have a fixed height.
int GetCaptionBarHeight () const
 Returns the current height of the caption bars in the accordion.
virtual int HitTest (const wxPoint &pt, long *flags=NULL) const
 Calculates which (if any) item is under the given point, returning the tree item id at this point plus extra information flags.
Accordion style get/set functions
int GetAccordionPadding () const
 Returns the accordion padding size (in pixels).
wxBitmap GetAccordionBGBitmap () const
 Returns a copy of the bitmap being used for the accordion background.
wxAccordionToggleStyle GetToggleStyle () const
 Returns the current toggle style of the accordion.
void SetAccordionPadding (int m)
 Sets the accordion padding size (in pixels).
void SetAccordionBGBitmap (const wxBitmap &)
 Sets the bitmap to be used for the accordion background.
void SetToggleStyle (wxAccordionToggleStyle toggleStyle)
 Sets the toggle style of the accordion.
Caption bar style get/set functions
double GetCaptionRadius () const
 Returns the radius of the accordion's caption bars corners (in pixels).
double GetCaptionGradientAngle () const
 Returns the angle (in degrees) that the transition lines will take in the accordion's caption bars.
wxAccordionBorderStyle GetCaptionBorderStyle () const
 Returns the border style for the accordion's caption bars.
int GetMinCaptionHeight () const
 Returns the minimum height of the accordion's caption bars.
wxSize GetIconMargin () const
 Returns the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the icons in the accordion's caption bars.
wxSize GetTextMargin () const
 Returns the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the label on the accordion's caption bars.
wxSize GetButtonMargin () const
 Returns the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the expand and collapse in the accordion's caption bars.
wxBitmap GetCollapseButton () const
 Returns a copy of the bitmap used for the collapse button of the accordion's caption bars.
wxBitmap GetExpandButton () const
 Returns a copy of the bitmap used for the expand button of the accordion's caption bars.
wxAccordionHighlighting GetHighlighting () const
 Returns the current highlighting style for the accordion.
wxAccordionDisabledState GetDisabledState () const
 Returns the the disabled state used for the accordion's caption bars.
int GetDisabledBrightness () const
 Returns the disabled brightness of the accordion's caption bars.
wxAccordionStyleGetCollapsedStyle ()
 Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the collapsed state.
wxAccordionStyleGetExpandedStyle ()
 Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the expanded state.
wxAccordionStyleGetCollapsedHLStyle ()
 Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the collapsed hightlighted state.
wxAccordionStyleGetExpandedHLStyle ()
 Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the expanded highlighted state.
wxAccordionStyleGetDisabledStyle ()
 Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the disabled state.
void SetCaptionRadius (double d)
 Sets the radius of the accordion's caption bars corners (in pixels).
void SetCaptionGradientAngle (double a)
 Sets the angle (in degrees) that the transition lines will take in the accordion's caption bars.
void SetCaptionBorderStyle (wxAccordionBorderStyle borderStyle)
 Sets the border style for the accordion's caption bars.
void SetMinCaptionHeight (int m)
 Sets the minimum height of the accordion's caption bars.
void SetIconMargin (const wxSize &p)
 Sets the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the icons in the accordion's caption bars.
void SetTextMargin (const wxSize &p)
 Sets the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the label on the accordion's caption bars.
void SetButtonMargin (const wxSize &p)
 Sets the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the expand and collapse in the accordion's caption bars.
void SetCollapseButton (const wxBitmap &b)
 Sets the bitmap used for the collapse button of the accordion's caption bars.
void SetExpandButton (const wxBitmap &b)
 Sets the bitmap used for the expand button of the accordion's caption bars.
void SetHighlighting (wxAccordionHighlighting highlighting)
 Sets the highlighting style for the accordion.
void SetDisabledState (wxAccordionDisabledState state)
 Sets the the disabled state for the accordion's caption bars.
void SetDisabledBrightness (int b)
 Sets the disabled brightness of the accordion's caption bars.
void SetCollapsedStyle (const wxAccordionStyle &)
 Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the collapsed state.
void SetExpandedStyle (const wxAccordionStyle &)
 Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the expanded state.
void SetCollapsedHLStyle (const wxAccordionStyle &)
 Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the collapsed hightlighted state.
void SetExpandedHLStyle (const wxAccordionStyle &)
 Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the expanded highlighted state.
void SetDisabledStyle (const wxAccordionStyle &)
 Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the disabled state.
Page style get/set functions
double GetPageRadius () const
 Returns the radius of the accordion's pages (in pixels).
int GetPagePadding () const
 Returns the padding (in pixels) of the accordion's pages.
wxAccordionStyleGetPageStyle ()
 Returns the style used for drawing the accordion's pages.
void SetPageRadius (double d)
 Sets the radius of the accordion's pages (in pixels).
void SetPagePadding (int m)
 Sets the padding (in pixels) of the accordion's pages.
void SetPageStyle (const wxAccordionStyle &)
 Sets the style used for drawing the background of the accordion's pages.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxBookCtrlBase
 wxBookCtrlBase (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxEmptyString)
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxEmptyString)
virtual size_t GetPageCount () const
virtual wxWindowGetPage (size_t n) const
wxWindowGetCurrentPage () const
virtual int GetSelection () const
virtual bool SetPageText (size_t n, const wxString &strText)=0
virtual wxString GetPageText (size_t n) const =0
virtual int GetPageImage (size_t n) const =0
virtual bool SetPageImage (size_t n, int imageId)=0
virtual void SetPageSize (const wxSize &size)
wxSize GetControllerSize () const
virtual wxSize CalcSizeFromPage (const wxSize &sizePage) const
unsigned int GetInternalBorder () const
void SetInternalBorder (unsigned int border)
void SetControlMargin (int margin)
int GetControlMargin () const
bool IsVertical () const
void SetFitToCurrentPage (bool fit)
bool GetFitToCurrentPage () const
wxSizer * GetControlSizer () const
virtual bool DeletePage (size_t n)
virtual bool RemovePage (size_t n)
virtual bool DeleteAllPages ()
virtual bool AddPage (wxWindow *page, const wxString &text, bool bSelect=false, int imageId=NO_IMAGE)
virtual bool InsertPage (size_t n, wxWindow *page, const wxString &text, bool bSelect=false, int imageId=NO_IMAGE)=0
virtual int SetSelection (size_t n)=0
virtual int ChangeSelection (size_t n)=0
void AdvanceSelection (bool forward=true)
int FindPage (const wxWindow *page) const
virtual int HitTest (const wxPoint &WXUNUSED(pt), long *WXUNUSED(flags)=NULL) const
virtual bool HasMultiplePages () const
virtual bool AcceptsFocus () const
virtual bool CanApplyThemeBorder () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxControl
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name=wxControlNameStr)
int GetAlignment () const
virtual void SetLabel (const wxString &label)
virtual wxString GetLabel () const
virtual void SetLabelText (const wxString &text)
virtual wxString GetLabelText () const
virtual bool ShouldInheritColours () const
virtual void Command (wxCommandEvent &event)
virtual bool SetFont (const wxFont &font)
virtual void DoUpdateWindowUI (wxUpdateUIEvent &event)
wxSize GetSizeFromTextSize (int xlen, int ylen=-1) const
wxSize GetSizeFromTextSize (const wxSize &tsize) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxWindow
bool Close (bool force=false)
virtual bool Destroy ()
bool DestroyChildren ()
bool IsBeingDeleted () const
virtual void SetName (const wxString &name)
virtual wxString GetName () const
void SetWindowVariant (wxWindowVariant variant)
wxWindowVariant GetWindowVariant () const
virtual wxLayoutDirection GetLayoutDirection () const
virtual void SetLayoutDirection (wxLayoutDirection WXUNUSED(dir))
virtual wxCoord AdjustForLayoutDirection (wxCoord x, wxCoord width, wxCoord widthTotal) const
void SetId (wxWindowID winid)
wxWindowID GetId () const
void SetSize (int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags=wxSIZE_AUTO)
void SetSize (int width, int height)
void SetSize (const wxSize &size)
void SetSize (const wxRect &rect, int sizeFlags=wxSIZE_AUTO)
void Move (int x, int y, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING)
void Move (const wxPoint &pt, int flags=wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING)
void SetPosition (const wxPoint &pt)
virtual void Raise ()=0
virtual void Lower ()=0
void SetClientSize (int width, int height)
void SetClientSize (const wxSize &size)
void SetClientSize (const wxRect &rect)
void GetPosition (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint GetPosition () const
void GetScreenPosition (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint GetScreenPosition () const
void GetSize (int *w, int *h) const
wxSize GetSize () const
void GetClientSize (int *w, int *h) const
wxSize GetClientSize () const
wxRect GetRect () const
wxRect GetScreenRect () const
virtual wxPoint GetClientAreaOrigin () const
wxRect GetClientRect () const
virtual wxSize ClientToWindowSize (const wxSize &size) const
virtual wxSize WindowToClientSize (const wxSize &size) const
wxSize GetBestSize () const
void GetBestSize (int *w, int *h) const
int GetBestHeight (int width) const
int GetBestWidth (int height) const
void SetScrollHelper (wxScrollHelper *sh)
wxScrollHelper * GetScrollHelper ()
void InvalidateBestSize ()
void CacheBestSize (const wxSize &size) const
virtual wxSize GetEffectiveMinSize () const
 wxDEPRECATED_MSG ("use GetEffectiveMinSize() instead") wxSize GetBestFittingSize() const
 wxDEPRECATED_MSG ("use GetEffectiveMinSize() instead") wxSize GetAdjustedMinSize() const
void SetInitialSize (const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize)
 wxDEPRECATED_MSG ("use SetInitialSize() instead") void SetBestFittingSize(const wxSize &size
void Centre (int dir=wxBOTH)
void Center (int dir=wxBOTH)
void CentreOnParent (int dir=wxBOTH)
void CenterOnParent (int dir=wxBOTH)
virtual void Fit ()
virtual void FitInside ()
virtual void SetSizeHints (int minW, int minH, int maxW=wxDefaultCoord, int maxH=wxDefaultCoord, int incW=wxDefaultCoord, int incH=wxDefaultCoord)
void SetSizeHints (const wxSize &minSize, const wxSize &maxSize=wxDefaultSize, const wxSize &incSize=wxDefaultSize)
virtual void SetMinSize (const wxSize &minSize)
virtual void SetMaxSize (const wxSize &maxSize)
virtual void SetMinClientSize (const wxSize &size)
virtual void SetMaxClientSize (const wxSize &size)
virtual wxSize GetMinSize () const
virtual wxSize GetMaxSize () const
virtual wxSize GetMinClientSize () const
virtual wxSize GetMaxClientSize () const
int GetMinWidth () const
int GetMinHeight () const
int GetMaxWidth () const
int GetMaxHeight () const
void SetVirtualSize (const wxSize &size)
void SetVirtualSize (int x, int y)
wxSize GetVirtualSize () const
void GetVirtualSize (int *x, int *y) const
virtual void DoSetVirtualSize (int x, int y)
virtual wxSize DoGetVirtualSize () const
virtual wxSize GetBestVirtualSize () const
virtual double GetContentScaleFactor () const
virtual wxSize GetWindowBorderSize () const
virtual bool InformFirstDirection (int direction, int size, int availableOtherDir)
virtual void SendSizeEvent (int flags=0)
void SendSizeEventToParent (int flags=0)
void PostSizeEvent ()
void PostSizeEventToParent ()
virtual bool BeginRepositioningChildren ()
virtual void EndRepositioningChildren ()
virtual bool Show (bool show=true)
bool Hide ()
virtual bool ShowWithEffect (wxShowEffect WXUNUSED(effect), unsigned WXUNUSED(timeout)=0)
virtual bool HideWithEffect (wxShowEffect WXUNUSED(effect), unsigned WXUNUSED(timeout)=0)
virtual bool Enable (bool enable=true)
bool Disable ()
virtual bool IsShown () const
bool IsEnabled () const
bool IsThisEnabled () const
virtual bool IsShownOnScreen () const
virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag (long style)
virtual long GetWindowStyleFlag () const
void SetWindowStyle (long style)
long GetWindowStyle () const
bool HasFlag (int flag) const
virtual bool IsRetained () const
bool ToggleWindowStyle (int flag)
virtual void SetExtraStyle (long exStyle)
long GetExtraStyle () const
bool HasExtraStyle (int exFlag) const
virtual void SetThemeEnabled (bool enableTheme)
virtual bool GetThemeEnabled () const
virtual void SetFocus ()=0
virtual void SetFocusFromKbd ()
virtual bool HasFocus () const
virtual bool AcceptsFocusRecursively () const
virtual bool AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard () const
virtual bool CanBeFocused () const
bool IsFocusable () const
bool CanAcceptFocus () const
bool CanAcceptFocusFromKeyboard () const
virtual void SetCanFocus (bool WXUNUSED(canFocus))
bool NavigateIn (int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward)
bool Navigate (int flags=wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward)
bool HandleAsNavigationKey (const wxKeyEvent &event)
void MoveBeforeInTabOrder (wxWindow *win)
void MoveAfterInTabOrder (wxWindow *win)
const wxWindowList & GetChildren () const
wxWindowList & GetChildren ()
const wxWindowList & GetWindowChildren () const
wxWindowGetPrevSibling () const
wxWindowGetNextSibling () const
wxWindowGetParent () const
wxWindowGetGrandParent () const
virtual bool IsTopLevel () const
bool IsDescendant (wxWindow *win) const
void SetParent (wxWindow *parent)
virtual bool Reparent (wxWindow *newParent)
virtual void AddChild (wxWindow *child)
virtual void RemoveChild (wxWindow *child)
virtual bool IsClientAreaChild (const wxWindow *WXUNUSED(child)) const
wxWindowFindWindow (long winid) const
wxWindowFindWindow (const wxString &name) const
wxEvtHandlerGetEventHandler () const
void SetEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
void PushEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
wxEvtHandlerPopEventHandler (bool deleteHandler=false)
bool RemoveEventHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
bool ProcessWindowEvent (wxEvent &event)
bool ProcessWindowEventLocally (wxEvent &event)
bool HandleWindowEvent (wxEvent &event) const
virtual void SetNextHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
virtual void SetPreviousHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
virtual bool Validate ()
virtual bool TransferDataToWindow ()
virtual bool TransferDataFromWindow ()
virtual void InitDialog ()
wxPoint ConvertPixelsToDialog (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxPoint ConvertDialogToPixels (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxSize ConvertPixelsToDialog (const wxSize &sz) const
wxSize ConvertDialogToPixels (const wxSize &sz) const
virtual void WarpPointer (int x, int y)=0
void CaptureMouse ()
void ReleaseMouse ()
virtual bool HasCapture () const
virtual void Refresh (bool eraseBackground=true, const wxRect *rect=(const wxRect *) NULL)=0
void RefreshRect (const wxRect &rect, bool eraseBackground=true)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void ClearBackground ()
void Freeze ()
void Thaw ()
bool IsFrozen () const
virtual void PrepareDC (wxDC &WXUNUSED(dc))
virtual bool IsDoubleBuffered () const
const wxRegion & GetUpdateRegion () const
wxRegion & GetUpdateRegion ()
wxRect GetUpdateClientRect () const
virtual bool DoIsExposed (int x, int y) const
virtual bool DoIsExposed (int x, int y, int w, int h) const
bool IsExposed (int x, int y) const
bool IsExposed (int x, int y, int w, int h) const
bool IsExposed (const wxPoint &pt) const
bool IsExposed (const wxRect &rect) const
virtual wxVisualAttributes GetDefaultAttributes () const
virtual bool SetBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
void SetOwnBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
wxColour GetBackgroundColour () const
bool InheritsBackgroundColour () const
bool UseBgCol () const
virtual bool SetForegroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
void SetOwnForegroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
wxColour GetForegroundColour () const
virtual bool SetBackgroundStyle (wxBackgroundStyle style)
wxBackgroundStyle GetBackgroundStyle () const
virtual bool HasTransparentBackground ()
virtual bool IsTransparentBackgroundSupported (wxString *reason=NULL) const
void SetOwnFont (const wxFont &font)
wxFont GetFont () const
virtual bool SetCursor (const wxCursor &cursor)
const wxCursor & GetCursor () const
virtual int GetCharHeight () const =0
virtual int GetCharWidth () const =0
void GetTextExtent (const wxString &string, int *x, int *y, int *descent=NULL, int *externalLeading=NULL, const wxFont *font=NULL) const
wxSize GetTextExtent (const wxString &string) const
void ClientToScreen (int *x, int *y) const
void ScreenToClient (int *x, int *y) const
wxPoint ClientToScreen (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxPoint ScreenToClient (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxHitTest HitTest (wxCoord x, wxCoord y) const
wxHitTest HitTest (const wxPoint &pt) const
wxBorder GetBorder (long flags) const
wxBorder GetBorder () const
virtual void UpdateWindowUI (long flags=wxUPDATE_UI_NONE)
virtual bool CanScroll (int orient) const
bool HasScrollbar (int orient) const
virtual void SetScrollbar (int orient, int pos, int thumbvisible, int range, bool refresh=true)=0
virtual void SetScrollPos (int orient, int pos, bool refresh=true)=0
virtual int GetScrollPos (int orient) const =0
virtual int GetScrollThumb (int orient) const =0
virtual int GetScrollRange (int orient) const =0
virtual void ScrollWindow (int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect=NULL)=0
virtual bool ScrollLines (int WXUNUSED(lines))
virtual bool ScrollPages (int WXUNUSED(pages))
bool LineUp ()
bool LineDown ()
bool PageUp ()
bool PageDown ()
virtual void AlwaysShowScrollbars (bool WXUNUSED(horz)=true, bool WXUNUSED(vert)=true)
virtual bool IsScrollbarAlwaysShown (int WXUNUSED(orient)) const
void SetHelpText (const wxString &WXUNUSED(text))
void SetHelpTextForId (const wxString &WXUNUSED(text))
void SetToolTip (const wxString &WXUNUSED(tip))
void UnsetToolTip ()
void SetAutoLayout (bool autoLayout)
bool GetAutoLayout () const
virtual bool Layout ()
void SetSizer (wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true)
void SetSizerAndFit (wxSizer *sizer, bool deleteOld=true)
wxSizer * GetSizer () const
void SetContainingSizer (wxSizer *sizer)
wxSizer * GetContainingSizer () const
virtual bool SetTransparent (wxByte WXUNUSED(alpha))
virtual bool CanSetTransparent ()
void OnSysColourChanged (wxSysColourChangedEvent &event)
void OnInitDialog (wxInitDialogEvent &event)
void OnMiddleClick (wxMouseEvent &event)
virtual void OnInternalIdle ()
virtual bool SendIdleEvents (wxIdleEvent &event)
virtual WXWidget GetHandle () const =0
virtual void AssociateHandle (WXWidget WXUNUSED(handle))
virtual void DissociateHandle ()
virtual void InheritAttributes ()
virtual bool CanBeOutsideClientArea () const
virtual wxWindowGetMainWindowOfCompositeControl ()
virtual bool IsTopNavigationDomain () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
wxEvtHandlerGetNextHandler () const
wxEvtHandlerGetPreviousHandler () const
void SetEvtHandlerEnabled (bool enabled)
bool GetEvtHandlerEnabled () const
void Unlink ()
bool IsUnlinked () const
virtual bool ProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
bool SafelyProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
bool ProcessEventLocally (wxEvent &event)
virtual void QueueEvent (wxEvent *event)
virtual void AddPendingEvent (const wxEvent &event)
void ProcessPendingEvents ()
void DeletePendingEvents ()
template<typename T >
void CallAfter (void(T::*method)())
template<typename T , typename T1 , typename P1 >
void CallAfter (void(T::*method)(T1 x1), P1 x1)
template<typename T , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename P1 , typename P2 >
void CallAfter (void(T::*method)(T1 x1, T2 x2), P1 x1, P2 x2)
template<typename T >
void CallAfter (const T &fn)
void Connect (int winid, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction func, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
void Connect (int winid, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction func, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
void Connect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction func, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
bool Disconnect (int winid, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction func=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
bool Disconnect (int winid=wxID_ANY, wxEventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL, wxObjectEventFunction func=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
bool Disconnect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction func, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
wxList * GetDynamicEventTable () const
void SetClientObject (wxClientData *data)
wxClientData * GetClientObject () const
void SetClientData (void *data)
void * GetClientData () const
virtual bool SearchEventTable (wxEventTable &table, wxEvent &event)
bool SearchDynamicEventTable (wxEvent &event)
void ClearEventHashTable ()
void OnSinkDestroyed (wxEvtHandler *sink)
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxObject
 wxObject (const wxObject &other)
wxObjectoperator= (const wxObject &other)
bool IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const
wxObjectRefDataGetRefData () const
void SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data)
void Ref (const wxObject &clone)
void UnRef ()
void UnShare ()
bool IsSameAs (const wxObject &o) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxTrackable
void AddNode (wxTrackerNode *prn)
void RemoveNode (wxTrackerNode *prn)
wxTrackerNodeGetFirst () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxWithImages
virtual void SetImageList (wxImageList *imageList)
void AssignImageList (wxImageList *imageList)
wxImageList * GetImageList () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from wxWithImages
enum  { NO_IMAGE = -1 }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxControl
static wxString GetLabelText (const wxString &label)
static wxString RemoveMnemonics (const wxString &str)
static wxString EscapeMnemonics (const wxString &str)
static wxString Ellipsize (const wxString &label, const wxDC &dc, wxEllipsizeMode mode, int maxWidth, int flags=wxELLIPSIZE_FLAGS_DEFAULT)
static int FindAccelIndex (const wxString &label, wxString *labelOnly=NULL)
static wxVisualAttributes GetCompositeControlsDefaultAttributes (wxWindowVariant variant)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wxAccordion::wxAccordion ( )

Default constructor.

wxAccordion::wxAccordion ( wxWindow parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL,
const wxString &  name = "accordion" 


parentThe parent window.
idAn identifier for the accordion. wxID_ANY is taken to mean a default.
posThe accordion position. The value wxDefaultPosition indicates a default position, chosen by either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
sizeThe accordion size. The value wxDefaultSize indicates a default size, chosen by either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
styleThe accordion style.
nameThe window name.
See Also
wxAccordion::~wxAccordion ( )


Deletes any child windows before deleting the physical window.

Member Function Documentation

void wxAccordion::Collapse ( size_t  n)

Collapses the accordion page with index n to hide its contents.

If the page is already collapsed or n is not a valid page index, this has no effect.

See Also
IsCollapsed, Expand, Toggle
bool wxAccordion::Create ( wxWindow parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL,
const wxString &  name = "accordion" 

Used for two-step accordion construction.

See wxAccordion() for details.

void wxAccordion::Disable ( size_t  n)

Sets the accordion page with index n to have the disabled state.

The caption bar will be drawn as a grayed version of the collapsed state by default or using the disabled style properties if SetDisabledState(wxAC_DISABLED_STATE_CUSTOM) been called. If the page was expanded, it will be collapsed.

See Also
Enable, IsDisabled, SetDisabledBrightness, SetDisabledState
void wxAccordion::Enable ( size_t  n)

Sets the accordion page with index n to have the enabled state.

See Also
Disable, IsEnabled
void wxAccordion::Expand ( size_t  n)

Expands the accordion page with index n to show its contents.

If the page is already expanded or n is not a valid page index, this has no effect.

See Also
IsExpanded, Collapse, Toggle
wxBitmap wxAccordion::GetAccordionBGBitmap ( ) const

Returns a copy of the bitmap being used for the accordion background.

See Also
int wxAccordion::GetAccordionPadding ( ) const

Returns the accordion padding size (in pixels).

The accordion padding is the gap between the edge of the accordion and the pages. It's also the gap between pages.

See Also
wxSize wxAccordion::GetButtonMargin ( ) const

Returns the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the expand and collapse in the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
int wxAccordion::GetCaptionBarHeight ( ) const

Returns the current height of the caption bars in the accordion.

The caption bar is set to have the smallest height needed for the text, the icons (if used), and the buttons (if used) plus any margins for those items.

wxAccordionBorderStyle wxAccordion::GetCaptionBorderStyle ( ) const

Returns the border style for the accordion's caption bars.

The return value will be either wxAC_BORDERS_FULL or wxAC_BORDERS_NO_BOTTOM_WHEN_EXPANDED.

See Also
double wxAccordion::GetCaptionGradientAngle ( ) const

Returns the angle (in degrees) that the transition lines will take in the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
double wxAccordion::GetCaptionRadius ( ) const

Returns the radius of the accordion's caption bars corners (in pixels).

See Also
wxBitmap wxAccordion::GetCollapseButton ( ) const

Returns a copy of the bitmap used for the collapse button of the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
wxAccordionStyle & wxAccordion::GetCollapsedHLStyle ( )

Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the collapsed hightlighted state.

Note: these settings are not used unless SetHighlighting(wxAC_HIGHLIGHTING_MOUSEOVER) has been called.

See Also
SetCollapsedHLStyle, SetHighlighting
wxAccordionStyle & wxAccordion::GetCollapsedStyle ( )

Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the collapsed state.

See Also
int wxAccordion::GetDisabledBrightness ( ) const

Returns the disabled brightness of the accordion's caption bars.

This setting will not be used if SetDisabledState(wxAC_DISABLED_STATE_CUSTOM) has been called.

See Also
wxAccordionDisabledState wxAccordion::GetDisabledState ( ) const

Returns the the disabled state used for the accordion's caption bars.

The return value will be either wxAC_DISABLED_STATE_DEFAULT or wxAC_DISABLED_STATE_CUSTOM.

See Also
wxAccordionStyle & wxAccordion::GetDisabledStyle ( )

Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the disabled state.

Note: These settings are not used unless SetDisabledState(wxAC_DISABLED_STATE_CUSTOM) has been called.

See Also
SetDisabledStyle, SetDisabledState
wxBitmap wxAccordion::GetExpandButton ( ) const

Returns a copy of the bitmap used for the expand button of the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
wxAccordionStyle & wxAccordion::GetExpandedHLStyle ( )

Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the expanded highlighted state.

Note: these settings are not used unless SetHighlighting(wxAC_HIGHLIGHTING_MOUSEOVER) has been called.

See Also
SetExpandedHLStyle, SetHighlighting
wxAccordionStyle & wxAccordion::GetExpandedStyle ( )

Returns the style used for drawing the caption bar in the expanded state.

See Also
wxAccordionHighlighting wxAccordion::GetHighlighting ( ) const

Returns the current highlighting style for the accordion.

The return value will be either wxAC_HIGHLIGHTING_NONE or wxAC_HIGHLIGHTING_MOUSEOVER.

wxSize wxAccordion::GetIconMargin ( ) const

Returns the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the icons in the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
int wxAccordion::GetMinCaptionHeight ( ) const

Returns the minimum height of the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
int wxAccordion::GetPagePadding ( ) const

Returns the padding (in pixels) of the accordion's pages.

The page padding is the space between the edge of the page and the edge of the window it contains.

See Also
double wxAccordion::GetPageRadius ( ) const

Returns the radius of the accordion's pages (in pixels).

See Also
wxAccordionStyle & wxAccordion::GetPageStyle ( )

Returns the style used for drawing the accordion's pages.

See Also
wxSize wxAccordion::GetTextMargin ( ) const

Returns the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the label on the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
wxAccordionToggleStyle wxAccordion::GetToggleStyle ( ) const

Returns the current toggle style of the accordion.

The return value will be either wxAC_TOGGLE_ONLY_ON_BUTTON_CLICKS or wxTOGGLE_ON_ANY_CLICK

See Also
int wxAccordion::HitTest ( const wxPoint pt,
long *  flags = NULL 
) const

Calculates which (if any) item is under the given point, returning the tree item id at this point plus extra information flags.

ptThe point to check.
flagsA long pointer that will be set as described below.
The (zero based) index of the page under pt or wxNOT_FOUND if none. Upon return, flags is set as a bitlist of the following:
  • wxACCORDION_HITTEST_NOWHERE: In the client area but above the first item or below the last item.
  • wxACCORDION_HITTEST_ONCAPTION: On the caption bar.
  • wxACCORDION_HITTEST_ONCAPTIONBORDER: On the border of the caption bar.
  • wxACCORDION_HITTEST_ONCAPTIONLABEL: On the label (string) associated with an item.
  • wxACCORDION_HITTEST_ONCAPTIONICON: On the bitmap associated with an item.
  • wxACCORDION_HITTEST_ONCAPTIONBUTTON: On the button associated with an item.
  • wxACCORDION_HITTEST_ONPAGE: On the page contained by the caption bar.
  • wxACCORDION_HITTEST_ONPAGEBORDER: On the border of the page contained by the caption bar.
  • wxACCORDION_HITTEST_INPAGEPADDING: In the padding of the page contained by the caption bar.
bool wxAccordion::IsCollapsed ( size_t  n) const

Checks if the accordion page with index n is collapsed.

Note that this will return false if n is not a valid page index.

See Also
bool wxAccordion::IsDisabled ( size_t  n) const

Checks if the accordion page with index n is in the disabled state.

Note that this will return false if n is not a valid page index.

See Also
bool wxAccordion::IsEnabled ( size_t  n) const

Checks if the accordion page with index n is in the enabled state.

Note that this will return false if n is not a valid page index.

See Also
bool wxAccordion::IsExpanded ( size_t  n) const

Checks if the accordion page with index n is expanded.

Note that this will return false if n is not a valid page index.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetAccordionBGBitmap ( const wxBitmap b)

Sets the bitmap to be used for the accordion background.

To clear the bitmap, call this function with wxNullBitmap as the parameter.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetAccordionPadding ( int  m)

Sets the accordion padding size (in pixels).

The accordion padding is the gap between the edge of the accordion and the pages. It's also the gap between pages.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetButtonMargin ( const wxSize p)

Sets the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the expand and collapse in the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetCaptionBorderStyle ( wxAccordionBorderStyle  borderStyle)

Sets the border style for the accordion's caption bars.

The parameter borderStyle can be either wxAC_BORDERS_FULL or wxAC_BORDERS_NO_BOTTOM_WHEN_EXPANDED.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetCaptionGradientAngle ( double  a)

Sets the angle (in degrees) that the transition lines will take in the accordion's caption bars.

With an angle of zero, the gradient will run from the top to the bottom. With an angle of 45, the gradient will run from the top left to the bottom right. With an angle of 90, the gradient will run from left to right. And so on.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetCaptionRadius ( double  d)

Sets the radius of the accordion's caption bars corners (in pixels).

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetCollapseButton ( const wxBitmap b)

Sets the bitmap used for the collapse button of the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetCollapsedHLStyle ( const wxAccordionStyle style)

Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the collapsed hightlighted state.

Note: these settings are not used unless SetHighlighting(wxAC_HIGHLIGHTING_MOUSEOVER) has been called.

See Also
GetCollapsedHLStyle, SetHighlighting
void wxAccordion::SetCollapsedStyle ( const wxAccordionStyle style)

Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the collapsed state.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetDisabledBrightness ( int  b)

Sets the disabled brightness of the accordion's caption bars.

By default, the disabled state of a caption bar is a grayed version of the collapsed caption bar style. Values close to 0 will produce a very dark disabled caption bar. Values close to 255 will produce a very light disabled caption bar.

This setting will not be used if SetDisabledState(wxAC_DISABLED_STATE_CUSTOM) has been called.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetDisabledState ( wxAccordionDisabledState  state)

Sets the the disabled state for the accordion's caption bars.

The parameter state can be either wxAC_DISABLED_STATE_DEFAULT or wxAC_DISABLED_STATE_CUSTOM.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetDisabledStyle ( const wxAccordionStyle style)

Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the disabled state.

Note: These settings are not used unless SetDisabledState(wxAC_DISABLED_STATE_CUSTOM) has been called.

See Also
GetDisabledStyle, SetDisabledState
void wxAccordion::SetExpandButton ( const wxBitmap b)

Sets the bitmap used for the expand button of the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetExpandedHLStyle ( const wxAccordionStyle style)

Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the expanded highlighted state.

Note: these settings are not used unless SetHighlighting(wxAC_HIGHLIGHTING_MOUSEOVER) has been called.

See Also
GetExpandedHLStyle, SetHighlighting
void wxAccordion::SetExpandedStyle ( const wxAccordionStyle style)

Sets the style used for drawing the caption bar in the expanded state.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetFixedHeight ( size_t  n)

Sets accordion page with index n to have a fixed height.

By default, the window added to the accordion page will be stretched to use as much vertical space as the accordion has available. If the window is meant to have a fixed height (for example, a single line text control), this function can be used.

Note that there isn't any way to undo this other than removing the page and then adding it back.

See Also
SetFixedWidth, SetFixedSize
void wxAccordion::SetFixedSize ( size_t  n)

Sets accordion page with index n to have both a fixed width and a fixed height.

By default, the window added to the accordion page will be stretched to be stretched both vertically and horizontally. If the window is meant to have both a fixed width and a fixed height (for example, a button), this function can be used.

Note that there isn't any way to undo this other than removing the page and then adding it back.

See Also
SetFixedHeight, SetFixedWidth
void wxAccordion::SetFixedWidth ( size_t  n)

Sets accordion page with index n to have a fixed width.

By default, the window added to the accordion page will be stretched to be as wide as the accordion (minus any padding). If the window is meant to have a fixed width (for example, a listbox), this function can be used.

Note that there isn't any way to undo this other than removing the page and then adding it back.

See Also
SetFixedHeight, SetFixedSize
void wxAccordion::SetHighlighting ( wxAccordionHighlighting  highlighting)

Sets the highlighting style for the accordion.

The parameter highlighting can be eithe wxAC_HIGHLIGHTING_NONE or wxAC_HIGHLIGHTING_MOUSEOVER.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetIconMargin ( const wxSize p)

Sets the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the icons in the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetMinCaptionHeight ( int  m)

Sets the minimum height of the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetPagePadding ( int  m)

Sets the padding (in pixels) of the accordion's pages.

The page padding is the space between the edge of the page and the edge of the window it contains.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetPageRadius ( double  d)

Sets the radius of the accordion's pages (in pixels).

This determines the radius used for the bottom corners of a page when it is expanded. The radius of the top corners are set with SetCaptionRadius().

See Also
SetCaptionRadius, GetPageRadius
void wxAccordion::SetPageStyle ( const wxAccordionStyle style)

Sets the style used for drawing the background of the accordion's pages.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetTextMargin ( const wxSize p)

Sets the size of the margins (in pixels) used for the label on the accordion's caption bars.

See Also
void wxAccordion::SetToggleStyle ( wxAccordionToggleStyle  toggleStyle)

Sets the toggle style of the accordion.

The parameter toggleStyle can be either wxAC_TOGGLE_ONLY_ON_BUTTON_CLICKS or wxTOGGLE_ON_ANY_CLICK.

This setting will only be used if expand and collapse button have been set for the accordion. If buttons have not been set, the accordion will always toggle in response to a click on the caption bar.

See Also
void wxAccordion::Toggle ( size_t  n)

Toggles the accordion page with index n between the expanded and collapsed states.

If n is not a valid page index, this has no effect.

See Also
Collapse, Expand